Getting over a divorce is not easy at all because of the disappointment you had. It’s a constant, step-by-step process for that wound to heal. Of course, we have to keep in mind that we must make the decision to keep pace and move forward so as not to end up in depression and drown in despair.

This process can be made easier if you don’t have children involved, as you may lose contact with that person and that’s it. But if, on the other hand, you have children, it will be a little more complicated. However, it can be carried out if you put the willingness of the two of you to end up being friends after the divorce and that this affects you so much.
Being friends after divorce is undoubtedly the healthiest and most mature way to help children get through this event as well. Obviously, this can affect them greatly. The best way to deal with this is with sincerity towards them, explaining calmly to them. Remember that they are their parents and that will not change at all.
How do I get over a divorce with my ex-partner?
This process can be filled with anger, disappointment, uncertainty, hopelessness, and other similar feelings. That they completely invade us and then we don’t even know what we really feel. Therefore, below you will see a series of tips for this type of situation.
How to Overcome a Divorce, Male or Female:
- This process of change has to be accepted. Enter the acceptance stage so that you can move on with your life.
- Let off steam and don’t isolate yourself. It is good to have the help of someone else, who is close to listen to us, give their point of view and support us.
- This situation will make you grow, so you can take the positive side of it. So don’t drown in sadness and instead emerge as a person.
- Indulge in activities of your own choosing. Do something new to clear your mind and feel comfortable with yourself.
- Don’t look for a new partner. This change requires you to find your own happiness and well-being. So don’t put this on someone else because it’s not dependent on anyone but you.
- Go to a professional psychologist. Without a doubt, this will help you emerge much more.
- You can make friends after divorce. No problem as long as you don’t leave with any other intention.
And if you have children, add these important steps:
- Accept the process and that you will be their parents forever.
- Agree on a good coexistence between the two for the good of the children and that it does not cause trauma to them.
- Talk to your children and explain the process. Do it in the best possible way so that they can understand it.
It’s possible that my ex and I will be friends after divorce
Being friends or having a friendship with your ex-partner can be pretty weird. However, you can, as long as both of you are totally willing to do it and nothing else.
And just because your ex wants to be your friend doesn’t mean you should want to be too. You need to consider whether this is really right for you and how it will affect you.
It may be in your best interest if:
- They ended on the best possible terms.
- They got over the separation.
- You don’t think about being her friend to get her back.
- There are no other feelings involved.
- No sexual attraction between the two of them.
- They have total empathy for each other.
If my ex wants to be my friend but I still love him, it won’t be ideal to start a friendship. Since I’m not sentimentally ready enough for that.
Tips for getting along with my ex-partner after we split up
If you want to end your ex-partner on a high note, the following tips should be kept in mind.
- Do not keep the past in mind in any way.
- Avoid arguing about anything that is not of importance.
- Set boundaries and respect.
- Forgive in order to be free.
- Keep your posture calm and always show your compassion. This will heal your own soul.
- Keep a distance that’s healthy enough so you don’t fall into confusing feelings.
- The important thing will be our personal growth.