How to get my ex back in 7 days or as fast as possible. As women, we are always looking for ways to fight for something that is truly worthwhile. But when it comes to love, what should we do? Is it really worth fighting?
First of all, you have to clear your mind a little to think critically about this situation. Because we don’t want to suffer and go through the same thing again.

We have to ask ourselves these questions: Do I really love that person? Why would I go back to him, what would be the reason for coming back? What do I like about it and what don’t I like? Does it deserve my attention? Does he really make me feel good when I’m with him and can I be myself without any problems?
If you still want to get back with him, then you can follow these steps to know how to get my ex-partner back in no time.
Tips and tricks to get your boyfriend back with you
Here are some tricks to get your ex back with you.
The first thing to keep in mind is to accept what has happened, so that it doesn’t hurt you as much and will make it heal more quickly.
Secondly, the space that should be had between the two after the breakup that has taken place. The space you give your ex will make them think and reflect even without them realizing it. Well, it will be a moment when he will not see you or talk to you, then he will know that it feels like you are no longer there for him. This will make him miss you, which is very important.
Thirdly, take a look again at the situation you found yourself in and are in now. How you feel and how you want to feel. Always go for your personal improvement, because it will be better for both your mental health and your physical health.
And fourthly, apologize, if the breakup was because of you, it is best to apologize without fear. And if it didn’t, you can silently excuse the other person to heal that wound so that it doesn’t continue to grow. Either way, it will be a personal growth for you.
How to regain your ex-partner’s trust if they no longer talk to you or love you
How do I get back together with my ex-boyfriend if he doesn’t talk to me and without begging him? When my ex doesn’t want to talk to me, it may have been my fault that he doesn’t want too anymore. However, he should not be bothered or begged in any way. Well, this will make him not want to see us anymore. I must learn how I should behave with my ex if I want him to come back.
By giving it a little space, we’ll be saying that we respect it. In this way we will attract him by the fact that he will wonder how come we are not looking for him. Because men like what they can’t have.
Now how to get back in touch with my ex, because we know that we won’t get it back with our minds. Well, we can attend meetings that he goes to because of mutual friends we have. Keep it spontaneous, remember not to force things.
How To Get Back with Your Ex-Boyfriend If He Already Has Another Girlfriend
Our exes will always be on social media. They will very discreetly always be aware of what we publish. We have to show that we are okay without becoming false and exaggerating with the publications. This will just show that you’re doing it for him and we don’t want that.
The best way to get noticed will be in a simple and subtle way. You can post in stories, tastes you had in common, etc. If he had a girlfriend so quickly, then maybe it’s a way of wanting to make him jealous.
In short, the essential thing should always be our person, and not get caught up in whether the other person doesn’t want to come back. Because we will hurt ourselves. Let’s get on with our lives to be truly happy and work on our safety without begging anyone. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t date a man if he doesn’t talk to you or love you.